분류 전체보기(38)
Sims 4 Cc Functional
Functional Ps4 Sims 4 CcFunctional Ps4 Sims 4 CcIt’s just not camping when you can’t sleep out in the open. The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat only came with tents which you couldn’t see what’s happening inside and there weren’t any options in other packs which could let you sleep out in the open.Pickypikachu came up with a brilliant CC object which lets you sleep out in the open with the sleeping bags...
2020.02.07 -
Geometric Tolerance Dialog Box Autocad For Mac
Cmd-A or Ctrl-A Selects all objects in the current layout Cmd-G Groups the selected objects Cmd-H Hides AutoCAD window Cmd-M Minimizes the current drawing window Cmd-N or Ctrl-N Creates new drawing Cmd-O or Ctrl-O Opens drawing Cmd-P or Ctrl-P Displays the Print/Plot dialog box Cmd-Q or Ctrl-Q Closes the program Cmd-R Regenerates the current viewport Cmd-S or Ctrl-S Saves the current drawing. If..