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Razor 1911 (originally Razor 2992) is a C64, Amiga and PC demo and cracking group. Razor was formed in Norway in 1985 by three guys, later known as,. The group lasted for about a year, creating a few demos and releasing a few cracks. They then broke up, and one half went to TCC, and the the other half (Sector9 and Doctor No) went to Megaforce. This membership only lasted about a month, before both went and joined.

They would later come together again in 1987 when they reformed Razor 1911 on the Amiga at the in july - the four initial members were Sector 9 and Dr. No (returning from Active Cracking Crew), (aka Lord S) and from Raw Deal Inc. The group was originally based around the city of Trondheim (Sector 9, Dr.No), with a section in the city of Aalesund established a small while later (, ).The october 1988 pack listed Lord S., Sector 9, Doctor No, Insane and Tracker - indicating that Hypocrite was gone by this time.The april 1989 demo introduced and as new members, and announced that and had been asked to leave due to inactivity. The group coorganized the in june. The group's big break in the cracking scene came after The Accumulators split up in late 1989, and Razor managed to persuade German cracker and American original supplier (with his bbs The Castle) to join them.

Suddenly they had both originals and crackers! This lead to a steady stream of releases until april of 1991.A shortlived cooperation with Classic was entered into in the spring of 1990.

Contributed music to the Paradox demo in early june. (july 1990) reported that sysop (later known as Angel of Death) left Classic with School Crime BBS (later Hellfire) to join, and that Norwegian musician had left for No Limits.

Swedish cracker and coder (who coded most of his own cracktros) left the scene this year. In october mentioned, and as new members.

An internal memberlist dated 22nd of october 1990 - dubbed ' Update 9' - listed Sector9, Doctor No, Bug, Red Baron, Ziphoid, Angel of Death, Sir Henry, Lord Strangelove, Fort Knox, Nosferatu, Zodact and Darksilver as active members at that time, and Onyx, Jawbreaker, Insane TTM, Codex, Uncle Tom, and as inactive or probationary members. The Norwegian members held an internal meeting in the city of Aalesund between the 16th and the 18th of november. Red Baron, Bug, Nosferatu, Rex, Fort Knox, Doctor No and Sector9 were all in attendance. Legendary swedish musician Uncle Tom left the scene in december, and did NOT rejoin Scoopex despite them sometimes claiming he did. His music was used in Scoopex productions beyond this date, but these were old modules Uncle Tom gave to them before leaving the scene.

Their board Digital Express (opened by Fort Knox this year) was probably Norway's first elite board, and as such remains legendary on the Norwegian scene.The april 1991 crack intro for mentions The Inner Sanctum is a new bbs, and that the The Pitch is down for good. When the release flood ended in april of 1991, the leaders of the group were getting tired of the Amiga scene. Luckily the solution was near: a great PC cracker called lived close by the core members, and it was decided to close the Amiga section in favour of a new life on the PC.

Only a few members remained, keeping the group alive on the Amiga through this year. Swedish musician left for Phenomena around the middle of the year. In june, the group coarranged the party in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Faith changed his handle to Faddy and joined Delight late this year. The demo was released early october, immediately followed by the departure of its authors Jawbreaker and for Scoopex. English musician Musician joined Anarchy in october.

Swedish sysop (with his board Flashback) joined from Agile in december. The group's final Amiga demo arrived in the form of at towards the very end of december. Voyage contained a full memberlist, listing, Codex, Ziphoid, Twister, Bug, Nosferatu, Sim, and Murdock as active members. American sysop left sometime between october and december; his board Inner Sanctum was mentioned in Erazorhead, but not in Voyage.Twister (Flashback) left again in january of 1992, moving this time to Vision. The february 1992 diskmagazine reported that first left Classic for Razor 1911, then quickly moved on to Scoopex before finally landing in Rebels.

Finnish trader Zephyr joined from Amaze, but didn't stay long; he left for The Silents soon after. Psimon and Shocker joined Compact Inc. Late in the year.

Norwegian (sysop of The Maze, ex Fraxion) left for Adept around october. In december of 1992, an Amiga intro called Out of The Ashes was put out - announcing no less than 8 new members and a revitalized Amiga section built by previous members.

It was not until march 1994 however, that a real rebirth of the Amiga section would see the light of day. Meanwhile releases were being made on the pc. In the december release, wrote; ' I am a new member of razor.

Previously with TPC Trainers which is sadly now deceased.' The nfo that came with the release went on to list the following members of the courier section at that time;, and as senior couriers, and as elite couriers, and, & as trial couriers.The new Razor 1911 was the source of some controversy when it was formed by from Illusion, and from The Silents and from Phenomena in late 1993. It was soon revealed that their only claim to the name of the old heroes was that Colorbird was once a member.

The real Razor had moved to the PC, and wanted the Amiga side to die with their passing. Still, the debate toned down after a while.The group kickstarted their new existence with the energetic non-party demo in march of 1994. The demo contained a full memberlist, listing, Colorbird, Lizardking, Odeon, and Tony. Swedish coder Boki joined in february, and was kicked in april because he was found to not have produced the demo he claimed he was working on. The group followed up with two productions at The Gathering 1994 at the very start of april; the intro and the demo.

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Norwegian duo Jason and Joachim (both ex Lemon.) were kicked because of too little contact with the rest of the group after a relatively short while, in the early parts of the year. Swedish coder joined in april, but unfortunately left the scene soon after. Coder of the first edition of Memorial Songs, Calypso, was kicked in may since he had long promised to start coding on the second edition, but never did. Swedish sysop Fazer (with his board Flatline) left due to a harddisk crash. An official newsfile on the Propaganda disk said he joined Delight with his board, while inside the mag itself, it said he joined Millennium. Since the news in the text file seemed a little more up to date than the stuff in the mag, I choose to believe the file.


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Danes (music), (music) and (swap) joined Jewels in the middle of the year. Danish swapper Roscoe (ex Equinox) left mid 94, and joined Bomb! Later in the year. The danish ex-Lemon.' Ers Futuremind, Papillion and were also kicked around mid 94. Slash was allowed to join as a swapper after most of the Danish division left, taking two swappers with them (Roscoe and Condor).

However, three weeks later The Pride was recruited, and they no longer needed Slash, so he was subsequently kicked out as well. Finnish swapper and trader John Peel (ex Angels new) joined Desire. In july of 1994, Frenchmen and from the pc section decided to leave to form their own group called Speed. The group attended in august, bringing two 40k intros - Psionic's (2nd) and Factor's (6th). Another party attendance rounded off the year - at the group brought (16th) and (20th).Propaganda #5 was supposed to be released at the Virtual Conspiracy party at the end of february 1995, with new code by Hammer.


Starcraft 2 Razor1911 Crack

Due to several circumstances, including a hard disk crash that took parts of the code to hell, the issue was never released and issue #4 became the final one ever released. Some of the articles to be released in the mag were donated by Diesel8 to other mags, like RAW, ROM and Upstream. Tony made his last scene graphics in the april release of. He was subsequently appointed to a fulltime position making graphics for Team 17 in the UK.

Swedish coder and editor of 'Propaganda', Colorbird was kicked out between april and may since the rest of the group felt he was becoming increasingly intolerable and arrogant after he moved to Oslo to start working for FunCom in april. Razor 1911 was part of the organizing team that was going to host in june, but unfortunately the event was cancelled. Diesel8 became the new main organizer. In october would become the revitalized Amiga section's final june of 1996 listed, Sector 9, /, and as members, and went on to list, and as their bbs traders and, as their internet traders at that time. Reported, ' Blue Adept, Razor's release coordinator for several months, has left the group, disgusted with the poor performance and bad attitudes of its members. Guys like this are important to the success of Razor, as a large number of Razor releases were to pass through Adept's hands.'

(may 1997) came with an nfo, listing August West, Beowulf, Bunter, Erupt, Faceless, Manhunter, Ninja Spirit, Pharaoh, Pitbull, The Punisher, Reich, Rom Racer, Thirdson, Toast, Vitas, and in the net/bbs section Caserd, Davan, Suspicious Image and as members and that time, and further reported, ' Razor 1911 bids farewell as he has decided to retire.' The demo section's webpage listed the following active members on december 9th, 2012;,.

1) Mount, Install the game and skip activation (disableyour internet or be ready to cancel the updater after the installationfinishes).2) Use the SC21.5.3-enGB-patch OR SC2 (1.5.3)-enUS-patch to update to Extract SC2-1.5.3Razor1911ONLYCRACK.rar4) Run Keygen.exe (Run as admin or it won't work) and press ok to generate a license.5) Run sc2copy.exe (Run as admin just incase).6) Run SC2Switcher.exe in the Support folder of the StarCraft II directory to start the game.7) Play as Guest and choose between 3 profiles.8)Campaign works as intended. Skirmish map list could take a while toload the first time, if they don't load press the back button and enterPlay Versus AI for the second time and it should load.Download SC2 1.5.3-enUK-patch.